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Prepare for success with the SAT practice test!




  • What is a “practice” SAT?  
    • A simulated version of the actual SAT exam that helps students prepare for test day.
  • What are the benefits of taking a practice SAT?
    • Become comfortable with the digital platform that College Board has recently switched to.
    • Establish a baseline score for those who have not taken the SAT.
    • An opportunity to compare previous PSAT & SAT scores to a low-stakes practice SAT.
    • Class 101 will grade the practice SAT and email the families with the results within one week.
    • Class 101 will provide a free score consultation meeting for any student who takes the exam. The consultation will include a detailed analysis of the strengths and weaknesses uncovered by the practice SAT.
  • What is the date and time for the practice SAT? 
    • Arrival time: 8:15 a.m.
    • Start time: 8:30 a.m.
    • End time: Approximately 11:00 (Times will vary as the test is self-paced.)
  • Where will the practice test be administered?
    • John Carroll High School
  • Does the practice SAT cost anything?
    • Cost: $20 (Proceeds go to JCHS Caring Hearts Fund *)
  • Who will be proctoring the practice SAT?
    • While a JCHS staff member will be available on campus, Class 101 staff will check students in and administer the practice SAT.
  • Do students need to bring anything?
    • Students must bring their own device - their school-issued iPad or a laptop.  The device should be updated to the current version of web browser software. 
    • Students should have a College Board approved calculator (if desired). 
    • Bring a sweater or light jacket (optional).
    • Bring a drink and a light snack (optional).
  • How do I sign up?

*  The Caring Heart Fund allows students with financial need to pay for extra costs associated with tuition, such as lunch accounts, uniforms, course fees, field trips, etc.  At JCHS, we want all students to be afforded the opportunity to participate fully in all that John Carroll High School has to offer.

For more information about the practice SAT, please contact:

Mimi and Mike O’Leary, Owners
Class 101 of the Treasure Coast
1860 SW Fountainview Blvd, Suite 100
Port St. Lucie, FL 34986
772-247-2716 - Office

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